You do not succeed just because you have the right qualification, but because you associate with the right people.
In life you must acknowledge the fact that there are people who know better than you and can help you reach the top, if you relate well with them. Every outstanding figure, champion ,and winners lays claim to some inspiration from some persons.
No star is self – made. No one was born with great knowledge and ideas. You become a star from the input of others. Through them you know what you know, and become what you become. Anytime you see some one you admire, someone who is getting the kind of result you would like to get, you have find a role model.
A man do not have to be perfect to be a model. But you can learn a lot from such figures. You do not loose anything by becoming a student. To think you have all the answers means you do not know all the question. Pride can cost you your destiny. It is smarter to tap in to other people experience than to learn everything your self.
You may arrive your destiny too late. Put yourself under the tutelage of those who are willing to share and impart their knowledge, wisdom expertise and experience with you. People who are willing to help you navigate your way through life, in order to understand and release your potentials.